Individualised Living Options and your NDIS plan

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Individualised Living Options and your NDIS plan

Individualised Living Options and your NDIS plan

Welcome to our webpage about NDIS Individualised Living Options and how it works.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a program that helps people with disabilities to access support services and funding for their everyday needs. Individualised Living Options is one NDIS service that supports people with disabilities to live independently.

Independent Living Options

Can include support with household tasks, personal care, or help with transportation. These services are designed to help people with disabilities live in their homes and be a part of their local community.

If you participate in the NDIS, you may be eligible to receive Independent Living Options. However, navigating and utilising the services can be challenging, which is where LaunchUP Support Coordination can assist you.

LaunchUP supports an independent lifestyle

LaunchUP Support Coordination is a service that helps people with disabilities to understand and navigate the NDIS system. Support Coordinators work with you to develop a plan and help you access the right services for your needs. As a result they can also help you build your skills and knowledge on using the services to achieve your goals.

If you live in Murwillumbah and are an NDIS participant, LaunchUP Support Coordination can provide the support you need to access Independent Living Options. With their assistance, you can learn more about your services and how to access them.

Overall, NDIS Individualised Living Options and LaunchUP Support Coordination can give you the support you need to live a more independent life. If you have any questions about how these services can help you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Individualised Living Options and your NDIS plan
Individualised Living Options and your NDIS plan